The Grass Is Greener On Your Side Of The Fence: Lawn Care Tips
OnYour yard is your home’s summer outdoor oasis. The grass in your lawn can start looking sparse and even turn brown during the hot summer months. There are some easy ways to maintain a lush, healthy lawn and keeping it beautiful during the summer and the entire year.
Water In the Morning
Watering your grass regularly is the key to a beautiful lawn. To promote healthy roots soak your lawn on a weekly basis. Use a sprinkler system, preferably one on a timer. The water should be cool or cold, not hot. If you water daily, the roots won’t grow deep enough to survive the summer heat. Water the lawn in the morning when the ground can absorb more water.
Set Mower on High
Set your mower on a high setting. Longer grass (three inches or longer) allows the roots to grow deeper into the ground, maintain more moisture, and produce a beautiful green lawn. Always mow in the morning, late afternoon, or evening when the sun is not at its highest peak. The strong direct rays could damage the freshly cut grass.
Fertilize Regularly
Feed your lawn the nutrients it needs to continue to grow and thrive. Fertilizing throughout the year is another factor in a healthy and beautiful lawn. There are a variety of products on the market, so always follow the instructions on the package for the best results.
Stay Off the Grass
Walking, playing, and arranging furniture directly on the grass can cause stress and poor growth. Instead of spending time on the lawn, use the deck, patio, or porch during the hot summer months and admire your lawn from a distance.
Your friends at Marlo Furniture understand that a healthy lawn sets the stage for a beautiful outdoor space to enjoy all summer long.