The Best 3 Spring Cleaning Tips
OnFor some reason the end of dark days seems to arouse in us a need to spring clean, as though it’ll rejuvenate our minds and bodies after winter hibernation. But there is a reason for it: dust, dirt, and body oil cling to things, especially when the windows have been locked shut for months. There’s a lot of cleaning that can be done, but here are three essential tips to get it done better, not just a superficial swipe.
Carpets and upholstery
If you have carpets and furniture, whether the latter is recently purchased or an antique that has been passed down through generations, grime, body oil, and other germs can get deep into the fabric. Spring is a great time to rent a shampooer. Use wax paper to place under the legs of the upholstery to move the furniture around and protect it from damp floors. And use the shampooer on both the carpet and the upholstery. Always test a small section first. But shampooing these things will immediately provide a glow to your home. If you have leather or vinyl upholstery, then you want to wipe those down good, too.
Walls, cabinets, baseboards, and woodwork
These things are the most often overlooked parts of the house to be cleaned. Make once a year, every Spring, the time to clean them. Serious dust, grime, splattered foods, and just about anything else can cover the walls, cabinets, baseboards, and woodwork without you really noticing it. But it’s the stuff you can’t see that can be most harmful. Get a sponge and start wiping. Use two buckets: one for the clean solution of water, vinegar, and a splash of dish detergent, and another for rinsing the sponge. This could be time-consuming, but will be well worth it. You’ll smell the freshness as you go.
Anything hanging from the ceiling
You’ll be using your fans more now that warmer weather is upon us, and though you may be using your lights less, you’ll want to clean off the dust and insects that have accumulated. You’ll also want to get those air-conditioner vents cleaned before you start using the AC. You don’t want to turn the fan or AC on and have it blow all that dust into the air and back onto your clean walls and furniture. You can use a cloth and vacuum for cleaning purposes. If you have a lot of fans, you may want to invest in a ceiling fan cleaning brush — it makes the process a lot easier.
These tips may sound like a lot, so to best get through your spring cleaning, keep a positive attitude, be determined, and set aside a day for the project. Once done, treat yourself to something nice, even if it’s just enjoying a newly freshened up home — who can’t love that?